1. Round WINNER: CoM POINTS: 209:179 MAP: BAM4

Jaja suppl.-smooth-eat the 1. Round is still fully in order! To her see the 1. We won round! There also still all super did not run... our Player had problems... (to on it some our clan colleagues were not there!) Auserdem does not have Sukram, the player us helped out I under any circumstances 4 vs 4 plays wanted sharpens work there as Engineer carried out! Thanks again to you Sukram, without you we would not have won the first round much! We wanted Tja also somewhat offensively plays... however from it then nix AGO us bissel badly with their offensively internal messages on the Pelle actually moved there. So we had then 2 Engies, nen Soldier, nen HWGuy and nen Pyro or Sniper... Actually bandit should only Sniper plays however it has then from me not completely admitted to base to Pyro changed... After we had then structured a relatively good Defense system could then also Wasoot and bandit to the attack ignore. That ran also somehow ziehmlich well it has it several grinds created the flag from the opposing base to klauen. Tja the attacking opposing Soldiers or Scouts became regularly of our 2 Sents in the Ramp Room Niedergemaeht... them created it in addition, from time to time them into pieces bombs: ( Which debit, was 10 seconds later at least 1 again constructed! In the meantime they created it however from time to time us the flag to klauen and to Cappen... fortunately however not all too often! Then however the espionage internal messages of the opponent went loosely... Rhino and Dubtwist schlichen itself then into our base. It seemed to me in such a way as if I was the only one in our team that had noticed... Thus it succeeded to them then some grinds our Sents also a few hand grenades into pieces at bombs. Nervt! It was as Engie with itself 3 Engies of the own colour to suddenly see amazingly however sometimes (the others in my team that did not seem to surprising...) and if one still applies then " ID " to one this Engies has that suddenly 100 Armour???? Hmm amusingly... is called it only one there: ShootGun zuecken and scheiss to feeler gauge over heap bangs! Sometimes was however unfortunately already too late and the other feeler gauge had the flag in the RampRoom brought where he then fortunately by a Sent or a one of our players was in the meantime already stopped... Somehow the Sents is in the RampRoom however too fast was then destroyed so which I the resolution to have then seized the Dinger before the flag space to construct somewhere! Jep and were them still another bissel Effecktiver here... the opponent created it bissel our flag to still klauen more rarely now. Tja stupidly was then only the Dubtwist (times again) a Crash had... It emerged however always still in the list of the players and us divided also at the beginning of nobody with which it nen Crash had. Thus we continued to play thus about 5 minutes unnoticed without Dubtwist. Until then finally times one of the opposing team noticed the Dub was somehow no longer there, tja bissel too late if we had now stopped the match, had we sowiso we in guidance were situated won there. Thus the opposing team continued to play the last 5 minutes as well as possible without Dubtwist. However any longer much does not have been useful than it to the end was naja wars stop to the end... Satanix has then still another little rumgemeckert because of Unfairness because Dubtwist was not there and so, but is now not our debt been... The ok 1. Round was now thus more or less a victory for CoM however thereby solltes also remains! (

Here still another few Screenshoots of the point statuses of the 1. Round:

Pic1 Pic2
Pic3 Pic4

2. Round WINNER: AGO POINTS: 301:130 MAP: 2FORT5

Grmbl jaja the 2. Round... Bah went actually already totally to Beschissen loosely! About 10 minutes of the 2. We have to wait round thereby spent for any players! First times on NX_Loki Rhino had disappeared there... why also always. And then still because BlackHawk had suddenly disappeared! Grrrrr... This time we had available then also unfortunately no more Sukram than helping out players, so which we fell back then to Wax. Thanks again to you Wax for your energetic assistance! Naja after then times all were could it there then also loose-go. Tja stupidly only the Dubtwist always did not gebombt my beautiful Sent into pieces and we correct Defense had... I did not point several grind to it the all Defense plays should however somehow heard bandit so correctly on me and started always senseless one-man of attacks as Pyro to the opposing base. He should actually take over the function of the first Defense as Sniper which it however only about the first 15 minutes did... Naja so could penetrate thus the opponent almost unhindered into our base. Auserdem caught then also still the extreme problems with BlackHawk on... it constantly disappeared from the player list. Good ok disappeared then also to NX_Loki of the opposing team later like that was thus again somehow balanced number of players... Dubtwist did not seem to have evaded on its Amiga this time disappeared it in the middle in the play: - / Thus us thus the opponents ueberanten and klauten our flag... tja and this time constantly unfortunately also always created them it them to Cappen. I came unfortunately too late then on the idea Wax as 2. To store Engineer. Naja so we have thus the 2. Round with extremes a point difference Verlohren... and thus also the gesammte match. *** TRANSLATION ENDS HERE ***

Hier noch ein paar Screenshoots von den Punkteständen der 2. Runde:

Pic1 Pic2


Das war so ein Tag an dem man lieber nicht aufgestanden wäre, und das gleich beim Premierematch. :(
Naja schlussendlich haben wir nen Verlohren... Ok trotzdem möchte ich AGO dafür danken das sie ein Match gegen uns geführt haben. Tja die können sich freuen den durch uns haben sie ihren ersten Sieg und wir unsere erste Niederlage davongetragen. Spezieller Dank geht an dieser Stelle nochmal an Sukram und Wax die uns in unserem Match Hilfreich zur seite standen! Schade nur das Dubtwist das Match nicht Verschieben wollte oder konnte so das wir auf Externe Spieler zurückgreifen mussten da einige unserer Kollegen nicht verfügbar waren. Ok ich freue mich schon mehr oder weniger auf das Rematch gegen AGO. Naja vieleicht gewinnen wir das nächste Match! :-/